Monday, December 21, 2009

Vivid Vision of Hope

One vision Holy Spirit had for me in 2004 was the promise of hope of my future.

The vision goes like this - I see in my spiritual eyes, I am surrounded by a group of enemy. They beat me up and I am badly injure. I see it as a 3rd person. No pain. Only the feelings of hopelessness.

Out of sudden, Holy Spirit in the appearance of Galadriel comes to rescue me. She comes like a lighting and fans off my enemies. It is like fairy tale but real.  She carry me in her arms. and Look at the 3rd person me She smiles wit comfort. She tell me telepathecally, I will lift you up and the trouble you have had right now will be over.

In real life, I have a tough time. Finance and career are not exactly well. May be at the bottom of my life. But spiritual, it was the time that I got really close to Holy Spirit.

Later on, a week laer, someone confirm of my vision. The rest is history.

Holy Spirit is real.  I wanted to reconnect to her more. The one that God and Jesus love most.

The science of getting rich

It is a  book about how to prosperous according to God's way by Wallance D Wattles

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