Saturday, June 7, 2008

Relationship and service

Key Idea

God as a being who would like to give the world to His children. He categorized us a his children. Not a slave, not an employees, not maids, nor servant. The relationship, through Jesus, that God desire from us is fellowship with Him in love and openness. It is like mother and daughter, and father and son.

He care about your willingness to experience his reality more than your service to him. If he already own and created the world, if he thousands of Angels, why does he care to need your so called "ministry" or "service"?


What He wants from us, in my finite mind, is the constant flow of love between we and God. This is the relationship that motivated him to create us who has the image of him. Focus your energy in experience his love, protection and guidance. Focus on receiving blessing from him. Focus on the fellowship of agape among the brothers and sisters in Christ.

WHEN HIS LOVE OUTFLOW IN YOUR LIFE. And, WHEN HE CALLS YOU TO SERVE. Then only you involve i the service to others. This is essentially important. If you do it this way, then your service is full of joy, energy and miracle because he will transfer his love through you.

My Early Experience

In my early days of church life, many people calls to be volunteers to provide service to other members of the organization (church). These are the people who seem to be "superhero" and higher class. But many of their private life and conducts do not reflect their position in the church.

If you do not serve, the people would look down on you. Seeing you that you are not "Christ" like. The peer pressure to serve is always there. They want to involve in cell group, Bible study, evangelism, hospital visit etc. Sunday becomes the busiest day of active Christian.

My New Understanding

As I seek God more, and as I read books more , pray more and do more soul searching. I realize that God the concept of service and relationship.

Tell you more next time....

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