Saturday, December 13, 2008

Hearing God

Reading te begining guide to Hearing God by James W.Goll. H have similar experience. The keyword is availability to Him and two ways communication.

The Beginner's Guide to Hearing God sends the message that everyone, no matter how long they've been a believer and no matter what their position in the Church, can listen and speak to God! Jim Goll leads readers to overcome personal obstacles that can block God's voice and avoid being misled by words that aren't from God. This manual is presented in a straightforward manner so that anyone who desires to communicate with the Father will have learned how to converse intimately with Him. God speaks to us in many ways and Jim Goll explains them all! --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Come Holy Spirit

Come Holy Spirit

'Holy Spirit' by Nate Sallie (with beautiful graphics)

The Closeness of Holy Spirit

The mystery of the spiritual world is beyond our imagination. Holy spirit is a personal God who can empower and be with us constantly, Holy Spirit is a person who can protect us, talk to us, love us and be loved, and provide us appropriate help.

This time I sense that have to go back to Kuala Lumpur. A busy life with certain mission.

I ove my wife because God has provide me a way to.

Monday, August 4, 2008

derek vreeland's blog: The Holy Spirit as a divine person

The Holy Spirit as a divine person

In my previous post I expressed my dislike for the age-old theological position that the Father and Son have this great relationship and the Spirit is merely the bond of love between them. I think this depersonalizes who the Holy Spirit is.

Both the Scripture and tradition hold to the full personhood of the Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit is not like Yoda's force. He is not a divine energy. He is not merely the power of God. He is not the bond of love between the Father and the Son (even though I have great respect for Augustine, who made the point orginally).

The Holy Spirit is God.

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." (2 Cor. 3:17 ESV)

"We the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and glorified." (Nicene Creed 381AD)

The Holy Spirit is a mystery....a sacred mystery....

Below is my half of an email conversation with a friend on this subject.

Most of the theological world lacks in developing a solid, historical
biblical pneumatology that lays out the true personhood of the Holy Spirit.

And I agree that persona (person) cannot be defined in modern
terms. We need to step back and let the Church Father translate that word for
us. It seems from my limited review on the subject that the Western Fathers
including our friend Augustine – focused more on the Spirit as the love. The
Eastern (Greek) Fathers have written more on the personhood other

While I have not looked at this book, Colin Guton’s The Promise of Trinitarian Theology is supposed to deal with that subject. I have yet to tackle Gunton.

The best book I have read on the Holy Spirit / pneumatology is Come Creator Spirit by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa.

RC was the preacher of the papal household and theology professor. He has also been apart of the Catholic charismatic renewal for years. He is still writing
in the area of charismatic theology. "Come Creator Spirit" is the only hymn sung by both Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant Christians. It is a hymn sung to the
Holy Spirit.

RC took the hymn and used it as a guideline to lay out his pneumatology. The reason I like the book is that it is not only theological but it has a liturgical (worshipful) rhythm to it. I was re-reading parts of it last night. Here are some excerpts…I would add commentary, but I got to get back to sermon prep.

Liturgical rhythm…sacred mysteries…


Come Creator Spirit
by Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa
(Translated by Denis and Marlene Barrett)
Pgs. 69-73

“Paraclete” is the title that most clearly expresses the personal character of the Holy Spirit. Using that title, the author of the hymn (“Come Creator Spirit”) takes us a decisive step forward in contemplating the Holy Spirit. If by the term “Creator” he affirmed that the Spirit was by nature divine, now by the term “Paraclete” he affirms that the Spirit is also a divine person.

In John, the relationship of the Spirti to Jesus is modeled on the relationship of Jesus to the Father. The Father is the one who testifies to the Son, and the Holy Spirit is the one who testifies to Jesus (John 15:26)… On this point Paul is in total agreement with John, and we cannot afford not to listen to his testimony as well. For him too, the Spirit is nor merely an action but also an agent, that is, a principle endowed with intellect and will, who knows what he is doing and chooses freely
to do it.

These terms (“person” or “hypostatsis”) mean something distinct from “substance,” they did not exist in any culture until Christian thinkers began reflecting on what Jesus had revealed of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and discovering what this revelation implied….The Greek Fathers would later give expression to this discovery of faith, saying that the Holy Spirit was not merely a “divine energy,” but an “active substance” or a “substantial agent” possessing will and intellect.

When we use the term “person” of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we have to be careful to free the word of the meaning we commonly give it. Applied to the Holy Spirit, the term “person” does not mean a center of action complete in itself, an agent independently conscious of self, in the modern sense; it signifies only the relationships-of-origin that “contrast” or distinguish the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as among themselves….if a person in the Trinity is not simply an autonomous center of action and of will, he does participate nevertheless in that unique center common to the Three Persons, and in that sense is capable of acting and willing.

What a wonderful mystery, a sacred a world where "not much is really sacred."

Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Made everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It's easy to see without looking too far
That not much
Is really sacred.

Bob Dylan 1965


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Relationship and service

Key Idea

God as a being who would like to give the world to His children. He categorized us a his children. Not a slave, not an employees, not maids, nor servant. The relationship, through Jesus, that God desire from us is fellowship with Him in love and openness. It is like mother and daughter, and father and son.

He care about your willingness to experience his reality more than your service to him. If he already own and created the world, if he thousands of Angels, why does he care to need your so called "ministry" or "service"?


What He wants from us, in my finite mind, is the constant flow of love between we and God. This is the relationship that motivated him to create us who has the image of him. Focus your energy in experience his love, protection and guidance. Focus on receiving blessing from him. Focus on the fellowship of agape among the brothers and sisters in Christ.

WHEN HIS LOVE OUTFLOW IN YOUR LIFE. And, WHEN HE CALLS YOU TO SERVE. Then only you involve i the service to others. This is essentially important. If you do it this way, then your service is full of joy, energy and miracle because he will transfer his love through you.

My Early Experience

In my early days of church life, many people calls to be volunteers to provide service to other members of the organization (church). These are the people who seem to be "superhero" and higher class. But many of their private life and conducts do not reflect their position in the church.

If you do not serve, the people would look down on you. Seeing you that you are not "Christ" like. The peer pressure to serve is always there. They want to involve in cell group, Bible study, evangelism, hospital visit etc. Sunday becomes the busiest day of active Christian.

My New Understanding

As I seek God more, and as I read books more , pray more and do more soul searching. I realize that God the concept of service and relationship.

Tell you more next time....

A freedim of fellowship: House Chuch

House church

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House church (or "home church") is an informal term for an independent assembly of Christians intentionally gathering in a home or on other grounds not normally used for worship services, as opposed to a church building, due to specific beliefs. They may meet in homes because they prefer to meet informally, because they believe it is an effective way of creating "community" and engaging in outreach, or because they believe small family-sized churches were a deliberate apostolic pattern in the first century and intended by Christ.[1]

Some churches meet in houses because they lack a conventional church building; these are not normally regarded as house churches as their intent is to move into a larger more conventional facility.

Cell churches are an appendage of conventional, institutional churches that meet in homes and share some characteristics of house churches, but are not normally considered house churches due to their institutional church hierarchy and association.

Some within the house church movement consider the term "house church" to be a misnomer, asserting that the main issue for christians who practice their faith in this manner is not the house but the type of meeting that takes place; other titles which may be used to describe this movement are "simple church", "relational church", "primitive church", "bodylife", "organic church", or "biblical church".



[edit] Scriptural basis

Christians who meet together in homes or rented or independent halls usually do so because of a desire to return to the simplicity and purity of Church meetings as found in the New Testament. The New Testament shows that the early Christian church exhibited a simplicity of fellowship and interactive practice that is typically not the case in conventional denominations. Christians walked closely with each other, in close fellowship, sharing their lives in Christ together. This is expressed well by over 50 examples of the phrase "one another" found in the New Testament starting with the words of Jesus in John 13:34, "Love one another." Some Bible passages that indicate the atmosphere of early church life include:

"They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." (Acts 2:42 NASB)
Participatory meetings
"What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification." (1 Cor. 14:26 NASB; see also Colossians 3:16, Hebrews 10:24-25)
Meeting in homes
"Aquila and Prisca greet you heartily in the Lord, with the church that is in their house." (1 Cor. 16:19 NASB; see also Acts 20:20, Romans 16:5, Colossians 4:15, Philemon 1:2).
Networking through 'Extra-local, Itinerant Ministries'
"After some days Paul said to Barnabas, "Let us return and visit the brethren in every city in which we proclaimed the word of the Lord, and see how they are." (Acts 15:36 [NASB])
Occasional Large Group Meetings
"I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you publicly and from house to house" (Acts 20:20 [NASB])

[edit] Structure and organization


Some assemblies have a very conventional leadership structure, others have none. A commonly held belief in the modern day house church "movement" is that the Protestant Reformation did not go far enough to demonstrate a New Testament belief in the "priesthood of all believers" and that Jesus Christ alone is the Head of the Church, and the believers the body. The absence of hierarchical leadership structures in many house churches, while often viewed by the Protestant church at large as a sign of anarchy or rebelliousness to authority, is viewed by many in the house church movement to be the most viable way to come under true spiritual authority of love, relationships, and the visible dominion of Jesus Christ as Head of his own bride (i.e. the church). This does not mean that they reject all leadership, however. Many house churches develop elders and deacons who serve the members. Some house churches also accept ministry from church planters and itinerant workers they consider to be apostles.

Meeting format

Many house church gatherings are free, informal, and sometimes include a shared meal. Participants hope that everyone present will feel free to contribute to the gathering as and when they sense the leading of the Holy Spirit to do so. Leadership structures range from no official leaders, to a plurality of appointed elders. There is a deliberate attempt within most house churches to minimize the leadership of any one person, and so having one lone pastor is generally considered unscriptural and an openly plural responsibility of leadership is preferred and sought.


The house church movement today also owes much of its networking and exchange of information to the use of the Internet; HC is generally used as an abbreviation for "House Church" and IC is used to designate "Institutional Church" which is the generalized term for more traditional church structures, including a church building and/or sermon-centered church services directed by a pastor or minister. More recently local networks of house churches have begun to form with gatherings of house churches in an area getting together periodically for celebrations.

[edit] Origins and history

The first house church is recorded in Acts 1:13, where the disciples of Jesus met together in the upper room of a house. For the first three centuries of the church, Christians commonly met in homes. Clement of Alexandria, an early church father, wrote of worshipping in a house. A private house in Dura-Europos (near Baghdad) was excavated in the 1930’s and was found to be used as a Christian meeting place in AD 232, with one small room serving as a baptistry. [2] Throughout history, various Christian groups worshipped in homes, often due to persecution by the state church or the civil government.

After being freed from prison by an angel, the apostle Peter went to the house of Mary the mother of John Mark (where believers were gathered for prayer) so that they might spread the news of his escape. Since Mary is the only name mentioned in the Bible in reference to a house church in Jerusalem (where the church was then being persecuted), and since Peter made this his first stop before moving on, this may indicate that the church that met in Mary’s house was a notable assembly.

The origins of the so-called house church movement are varied. In North America and the UK particularly, it is often viewed as a development and logical extension of the 'Brethren' or Plymouth Brethren movement both in doctrine and practice where many individuals and assemblies have adopted new approaches to worship and governance, while others recognise a relationship to the Anabaptists, Quakers, Amish, Hutterites, Mennonites, Moravians, Methodists, and the much earlier Waldenses and Priscillianists. Another perspective sees the house church movement as a re-emergence of the move of the Holy Spirit during the Jesus Movement of the 1970s in the USA or the worldwide Charismatic Renewal of the late 1960s and 1970s. Others see it as a return to a New Testament church Restorationism paradigm and a restoration of God's eternal purpose and the natural expression of Christ on the earth, urging Christians to return from hierarchy and rank to practices described and encouraged in Scripture.

The house church movement has been more recently encouraged by the church planting and publishing initiative of writers like Wayne Jacobsen,Robert Fitts, Frank Viola, Tony & Felicity Dale, Wolfgang Simson and Gene Edwards. The Internet itself has contributed to the phenomenon's exponential growth in the past decade, networking many previously unconnected individuals.

In addition, house church discussion lists such as Home Church Connection, HCDL, and New Wineskin have had a huge influence on the growth of the house church movement for the past decade. People, who might otherwise have remained disconnected prior to the internet, have met online to form house church fellowships throughout the U.S. For many, these discussion lists are the first taste of relational body life outside of the traditional church.

[edit] House Church Movement

No single factor can sum up the emergence of the contemporary house church movement, but a confluence of all the threads noted above have contributed to the growth of house churches in the West.

Today, the spread of house churches is largely found in countries like China, Vietnam, India, Cuba, Brazil and African nations[3], but they are also seen in small, but growing, numbers in the Philippines, Europe, and North America[4]. House churches in Saudi Arabia have experienced raids by the religious police, often resulting in the arrest of the leaders of the assembly.

[edit] Relationship to Established Churches, Missions Groups and society

Historically, there have been tensions between house church movements (along with other restoration and revival movements) and traditional churches. Therefore, many house churches do not have formal links to larger Christian organizations as a matter of principle. More recently, a number of established Christian denominations and missions organizations have officially supported efforts to develop house church networks. These include the following: The Free Methodist Church in Canada, The Foursquare Gospel Church of Canada, The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, The Presbyterian Church in Canada, Partners in Harvest, The Southern Baptist Convention (USA), Dove Christian Fellowship International, DAWN Ministries (Discipling a Whole Nation), and Youth With A Mission (YWAM), Eternal Grace[1] [2], and the recently launched Underground Churches among others.

In a social sense, the movement towards house churches may be linked to other social movements as well, such as the "emerging church movement", missional living, the parachurch movement,[citations needed] and perhaps even larger social phenomena such as panocracy and intentional living movements.[citations needed]

[edit] Statistics on the House Church Movement

(Statistical Sources: Rad Zdero (2004), The Global House Church Movement; Rad Zdero (2007), Nexus: The World House Church Movement Reader; Dawn Friday Fax,; Wolfgang Simson (2007), The Starfish Manifesto; Wolfgang Simson, EaSi Newsletter, July 2007; Wikipedia)

  • Bangladesh: 500,000 new believers in HC's
  • Cambodia: 1,000 new HC's in 10 years (1990 to 2000)
  • Canada: as many as 2,000 HC's in Canada in the last few years
  • China: 80-100 million believers in HC's
  • Cuba: 6,000-10,000 HC's since 1992
  • Egypt: 4,000 HC's
  • Ethiopia: growth from 5,000 to 50,000 believers in HC's during the 1980s
  • India: approx. 100,000 HC's started in 5 years (from 2001 - 2006)
  • Latin America: 1 million HC-type groups known as 'Basic Ecclesial Communities'
  • Sri Lanka: Kithu Sevena church movement started 131 new HC's in 7 months (in 2004)
  • Vietnam: one church planting team start 550 new HC's in 2 years (1997 to 1999)
  • U.S.A.: 1,600 HC's on internet alone (as of 2003) with possibly as many as 30,000 HC's (according to the American pollster George Barna)

[edit] Recommended Books

  • Tim Chester and Steve Timmis, Total Church.
  • Steve Atkerson (ed.), Ekklesia: To the Roots of Biblical Church Life.
  • Robert & Julia Banks, The Church Comes Home, Hendrickson Pub.
  • Robert Banks, Going to Church in the First Century. Seedsowers Publishing
  • George Barna, Revolution.
  • Gilbert Bilezikian, Community 101, Zondervan Pub.
  • E.H. Broadbent, The Pilgrim Church.
  • Neil Cole, Organic Church
  • Graham Cooke, Gary Goodell, Permission Granted: To Do Church Differently in the 21st Century (Destiny Image Publishers)
  • Albert James Dager, The House Assembly. Sword Publishers
  • Felicity Dale, An Army of Ordinary People
  • Tony & Felicity Dale, Simply Church
  • Dale, Getting Started: A Practical Guide to Planting Simple Churches (Karis Publishing)
  • Gene Edwards, Beyond Radical. Seedsowers Publishing
  • Gene Edwards, When the Church was Led by Laymen. Seedsowers Publishing
  • Robert Fitts, The Church in the House.
  • David Garrison, Church Planting Movements.
  • Roger Gehring, House Church and Mission (by far, the most comprehensive scholarly work on house churches in the first century)
  • Wayne Jacobsen, The Naked Church.
  • Wayne Jacobsen, Authentic Relationships.
  • Clifford James, The Blueprint (read online at [3])
  • Larry Kreider, House Church Networks.
  • Jaeson Ma, The Blueprint
  • Charles Newbold, The Crucified Ones.
  • Hope Ovwah, God's Pattern Church. (read online at [4])
  • Rutz, James, The Open Church
  • Rutz, James, Megashift
  • Wolfgang Simson, Houses that Change the World.
  • R. Maurice Smith, A Kingdom A People & A River
  • Terry Stanley, Home Church.
  • Frank Viola, Bethany.
  • Frank Viola, Reimagining Church.
  • Frank Viola, Pagan Christianity.
  • Frank Viola, The Untold Story of the New Testament Church
  • Rad Zdero, The Global House Church Movement. Get it here [5]
  • Rad Zdero (ed.), NEXUS: The World House Church Movement Reader. Get it here [6]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Simson, W: "Houses that Change the World", pages 79-101. Authentic Media, 2005
  2. ^
  3. ^ Garrison, David "Church Planting Movements". January 2003, Wigtake Resources.
  4. ^ Ibid.

Osiek, C., and Margaret Y. MacDonald. A Woman’s Place: House Churches in Earliest Christianity. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006.

MacHaffie, Barbara J. Her Story. 2nd Edition. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006.

Flash Movie: The Voice of God

Friday, May 30, 2008

The Reality of Life: Matrix

Are we taking the blue and red pill? Blue to the real world and red into the psedo world. 

What is the real world? Is it the world with Trinity and Angels and a paradise?  A world that full of love, care and just. A real Utopia?

What is the psedo world? A present world that full of flaws and greed where the good are rare?

Have you been to both world. In the REAL WORLD, where you are entering the spiritual world with the power granted by Jesus to us as he stated before he left us. The world where Thord Trinity is there to assist and partner with us to be a victorious being.

Who is your Murphy? Who is your Trinity? 

I suggest you watch the Trilogy of Matrix. Find the answers within the three movies. Refer to Hollywood Jesus for tips and hints. 

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Act 1:8 The Power of Holy Spirit

"you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."

Act 1:8

Jesus wanted us rely on Holy Spirit in living day to day life as he was doing the same while he was ministering in Isreal. He is well aware that a person is difficult to lead a HAPPINESS BY CHOICE, JOYFUL and POWERFUL life without the assistant of Holy Spirit.

Many of us rely on the Words we read from the Bible. These are words of God that need enzyme to sparkle its full spectrum of power. If we read without an external help (from Holy Spirit), it becomes the games of human will. Many will find this faith is a difficult faith.

When you partner with Holy Spirit as a personal God and friend, the power of Holy Spirit will osmosis to you - understanding, power beyond nature, peace and protection. The end results of the manifestation is your life transform. Those change will impact people around you naturally. From there, this good news (better than promotion, fall in love, windfalls and etc) will bring to the people beyond the soil of Isreal (where you live).

Technorati Profile

Outline of sharing

Experience with Christ
Experience with God
Experience with Holy Spirit
Demonstration of Power of Spirit
Spirit led Fellowship
Mental Rehearsal center of Event management
Shared leadership management
Shape their thinking - from control to liberation
The power of God: Osmosis
Structured worship session vs Spirit-led
Peace and Imagination
Movies - spiritual view points
Partnership with Holy Spirit
Return to the Father
Jesus, friend forever

Holy Spirit is a Person, Not a IT

Many people has misunderstand your position in Trinity. No one has impressed upon me that Holy Spirit is a person, not a powerful force. Every time I read the four Gospels and The Book of Act, I would be able to understand the messages that related to Holy Spirit.

Hopy Spirit is a person: Bible Verses

Weekend in Narnia

Part 1

Part 2

ABC: Behind the Scene

Lucy and our faith

I read the series of Narnia when I was reading M.A in UM. It was an uplifting experience to me. Aslan the Lion is Jesus in real life. C.S Lewis's labor of love has now become alive and real in silver screen.

Lucy and Aslan

She, the young one, always the first one to see Aslan. Her faith in Aslan brings her to Him. The others are always blind to the presence of Aslan. Faith is our key to this Kingdom of Joy and Mystery. Explore the world of impossible in the Kingdom of Miracle. If we look into the History of Europe, the impact brought about by Jesus is gigantic. This is the Kingdom of Just and Love.

Narnia, The: Prince Caspian (2008) | Spiritual Article

Chronicles of Narnia, The: Prince Caspian (2008) | Spiritual Article

Jesus: True Myth, False?
David Bruce, Webmaster

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Bringing Back the Magic
Elisabeth Leitch

The Pirates of Narnia
Mark Sommer

Needing Help and Getting It

Return Was Worth the Wait
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Ken Priebe

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Mark Sommer

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Following Aslan
David Bruce, Webmaster

So does myth point away from Jesus, or to Jesus?

For C. S. Lewis, ancient myths point to Jesus. Jesus is the “True Myth” as he famously said. With Jesus, myth becomes fact. This is what, in part, led him to write the Narnia books, which speak about Christ in mythological terms. Concerning the story of redemption in the gospels, Lewis wrote:

“If ever a myth had become a fact, had been incarnated, it would be just like this. And nothing else in all literature was just like this. Myths were like it in one way. Histories were like it in another. But nothing was simply like it . . . Here and here only in all time the myth must have become fact; the Word, flesh; God, man. This is not "a religion," nor "a philosophy." It is the summing up and actuality of them all.” (C. S. Lewis, Surprised By Joy, (1955) New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, p. 88.)

However, for Acharya S (author of Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ), myth points away from Jesus. For her Jesus is the greatest story ever sold! A conspiracy. I met her recently at the screening of the film “Zeitgeist - The Movie” which she helped produce.

I have known of Acharya for over 7 years via cyberspace. As it happened, back in 1998 I authored and posted “THE INCREDIBLE MITHRAS MYTH” on Hollywood Jesus (see below) and it sparked a considerable debate. Several cyber visitors to HJ referred me to her controversial book The Christ Conspiracy. So, when I had the opportunity to meet the author recently I was thrilled.

I thought I would let Acharya present her case uninterrupted and post it on HJ in connection with the release of “Prince Caspian.” Here is her take, what do you think? POST YOUR COMMENTS HERE


Below is my take as I posted it in 2001:

(FROM 1998)
Christmas, the birth of Christ, is celebrated on December 25. But, Jesus wasn't born on this date. So where did the date December 25 come from?

Here are some comments I received (P. S. I am curious about your thoughts)
My comments are in italic

From: C T Blake

While I find your sight interesting, I think you are missing much more than is getting posted on the cross-over myths between Mithraic and Christian thought.

Mithras DOES have a resurrection story- see the stories of Mithras under the mountain (usually associated with Ararat- yup, the Ark one, which explains how it got it's "holy" status)- it also has the Mithraic angle on the end of the world, the last conflicts with Ahriman, etc).

Don't forget that the Symbol always associated with Mithras (aside from the obvious Phrygian cap, bull, dog and the rest of the usual symbology) is-- you guessed it- the cross. Mithraic (as well as other solar cults) used the symbol of the cross as a symbol of the Sun. This also puts an interesting spin on the story of Constantine's cross story....and how his Danubian troops (who already marched under the "Sol Invictis"- Mithras) were able to later convert that Mithraic symbol to a more respectible memory later.

The Cult of Mithras was largely wiped out-- violently-- by the early Christian Church, in violence usually associated with thier internal squabbles. Perhaps they realized that, because they had copped so much from Mithras that they couldn't allow it to survive? It's interesting how most of the Mithraruem we find are under churches, monestaries and nunneries, while the few that aren't are those that had been buried and lost. Somebody was pretty ruthless in wiping out most of the sites of Mithras.
CT Blake Nacogdoches, Texas

Response: Thanks for the additional insight. I appreciate it. -David

From: Lorena
David, I just visited your site about Mithras for research on the novel I'm writing at first, but a lot of the things I read got me thinking. You see, I've known about Mithras for good few years now, but my parents would never let me research anything about him without a just reason (my father is a Presbyterian minister and my mom is quite set on her Christian beliefs...which is just about anything Dad preaches about). I think I discovered why--your site got me thinking. Not that that is a bad thing, but I think my parents wanted to keep me on the 'straight and narrow' so to speak and not question my faith.

The myth surrounding Mithras, this supposed god of Truth and Light, was it basically a prophesy by the Persians proclaiming the coming of a Savior, or am I looking at this all wrong? (You are right). Also, I had read somewhere that Mithras killed the white bull so that man could live forever, (not true, it is the defeat of darkness) and then he himself was crucified in a similar fashion to Jesus (not true, Mithras is a story created from the night sky constelations) ...though Mithras 'existed' much earlier in history (not true, no such histoical person was ever thought to exist by any group). And the star that led the Magi to Bethlehem...does that have a place in the myth as well? (myth points to central truth -Jesus Christ)
Thank you, Lorena

From: Frances
I have been (still am) on a site called Christianity - General. For a very long time (70 years old) I have been reading everything I could on all the religions and have been struck by the similarities by them and the New Testament Gospels. I keep being told that the cult of Mithras was not around at the time of Jesus, yet everything I read tells me the opposite (Your readings are correct). For me, every past religion has lead up to Christianity and possibly to others newly as come. Was not Mithra the Roman soldiers god of worship and still in practice at the time of Jesus. (Yes) The similarities between Christianity and Mithra is just too coincidental. (There are also, major dissimilarities: Mithras is found in the star stories, not in history, Mithras has no death and resurrection. But there is truth contained in the Mithras myth that points to Jesus: light overcoming darkness, etc.) Not that Jesus was wrong to preach a way of life, but the Christian communities maniacal desire to erase anything that is even close to anything that Jesus taught. In a sense He did not teach "something" new, it was always there, (true, not so much in myth, as in Hebrew scriptures) but that He re-iterated all the positive concepts for people to follow. (Yes, but also "I am the way, the truth and the life" statements are unique to Jesus). Would you be kind enough to enlighten me if I am really as wrong as these fundamentalists believe I am. I am always ready to accept and repent of my errors.
Frances Greenfield

Response: Yes you are generally right. Many Christian have a deep fear of myth. I have none. And all myth points to a central truth: Jesus Christ. -David

Source: Hollywood Jesus

A Blog about Pop Culture from Christian Point of View - Movies, Music, Books and etc
David Bruce

David Bruce

David is the web master of HJ, a television producer, public speaker, activist, writer and an ordained minister. With a production background at NBC and in radio, David's abiding interests in Jesus and the cinema led him to create Hollywood Jesus in response to a challenge from Billy Graham. David is a graduate of Chicago's North Park University Seminary (M.Div)

ABOUT US: was registered in October, 1997, and has been live since February, 1998. Hollywood Jesus exists only by the grace of God and the vision of writers like David Bruce, whose latest work at HJ is listed below. Also see the profiles for our other staff members, listed at right.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Listen to God - Experience

Campus Day

Before going to near by Church at 10.30 am. I usually spent two hours at the quiet corner in my campus. A unusually isolated garden. I would bring a book, a pen and an expectation there. Sometimes, I wen to the roof top of my hostel. Overlooking a sea of trees and blue sky.

I would listen to some music to let go of my worldly self. Occasionally drown myself in reading books like Lawrence's letters and Celebration of Discipline. 

Slowly, I begun to converse with God of my day to day things. Some were joys, some worries, some are even too petty to mention to others. I let myself talk to Him. Many times, I felt peace wash over me. It is hard to explain of such strong sense of security, being loved and joy!

I waited Him to respond to me. I would sit there waiting. Most of the time, He spoke to me like gentle wind. Never one time he condemn of me. He spoke with love, gentle and certainty.

God is not a distant being that we should fear. On the contrary, He is someone we can trust, can get close of and near us.

KL Plaza/ Lounge Gospel Song/ Happy

Listen to God

1. The secret of listening to God is to EXPECT him to respond. 
2. Treat Him like a friend and father. 
3. Consider your prayer as Dialogue, not as monologue.  
4. Imagine He is some where next to you. God exist in our imagination. Think He is there. He is there.
5. Talk to Him as friend, get rid of flowery phrases. Talk to Him as you talk to your best friend. He desires our fellowship because He is like father who would like to share their best to their children.
6. Empty your thought. Listen to the quiet surrounding like the sound of bird, wind, grass, stream, and quietness. 
7. In your solitudes,  you begin to forget the rest of the world. In your deep listening and waiting, He will talk to you softly in your heart. Talk like a person and audible.
8. If you unsure the source of voices and spoken languages, pray in Jesus name, ask He is God. 

Two sources are really helping me to get into this state of mind:

a. The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

b. Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster

KL Plaza/ Ipod/ David Wright Music

The voice of God

Is He real? Three religions have names Him as the Creator. Is God who invented the World we are in (Is it like Matrix?) remain relevant today to many of us?

Can He speaks to us like He spoke to Abraham few thousand years ago? Is it our imagination? Or is it only a legend? To many believers and pagan, this remain a Big questions to many of us.

My own experience as a mortal being (while sipping frapucinno Green Tea at Starbuck, Berjaya Time Square Kuala Lumpur), is that He is real and remain active in my inner life.

I heard Him speak, whisper and guide me since I was Form Sixth in Ranau. The way He speak to me is different from Jesus and Holy Spirit. I can fathom the concept the Trinity Gods. As One and in three.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Prince Caspian

This movie has so much Christ in it! The beauty of Kings and Queens couple with the power of Aslan demonstrate the secret of the Kingdom. Lucy is a perfect example of human faith.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Freedom

Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Freedom

Jesus has provided a new way of life. That kind of life is so free and liberated from guilty. It is so difficult to describe the beauty of it. I would say it is beyond words.

- He has promised us an eternal life and save by FAITH alone, not behaviour (Celebration of Discipline)
- He has told us our power can be found in Holy Spirit: our guarding God on earth (Good morning, Holy Spirit)
- He has left us the teaching that can bring about FURTHER social revolution (The secret message of Christ)
- We can experience the reality of Trinity. REAL! (Celebration of Discipline)
- We are not bound by many rules - only two - love God, love ourselves and others

Everything we do for others is the overflowing of God's love that we experience. To love, we must be loved by God. No string attached - no evangelism, no tithe, no service needed. He love us unconditionally. He can easily dispatch Angels to do His work. The Universe belongs to Him.

I have started a group with this idea of letting fellowship of God and friends be the primary objective. No obligation. In fact, I would deny their willingness to evangelism, offering and any services. I want them to feel and experience God FIRST fully and experience the wonderful work of God in their life. The rest is between them and God. New freedom.

In each gathering, there is no fix agenda. I would let Holy Spirit led the group. Surprisingly, many beautiful things happened. Too many to tell. The meeting could extend to 11.00 pm. The group grew from 5 to 15 in a year.

In US, there is such movement to discover Christ in their special way. They call their group as House Church.

New Freedom of Faith

I am writing this blog to unveil of my journey of faith. This faith I have been embracing closely is the good news brought by Jesus 2000 years ago. The deeper I venture into his kingdom, the more freedom I discover His secret. It is a MYTH to me, until this very day. His open secret is so real and dramatic and beautiful.

The kingdom of God is so wonderful to me. In a democratic domination world, His secret is still a myth to me despite thousands of His work have been described by scholars and poems, scientists and businessmen.

I have my story to share with you....

Monday, April 28, 2008

Love of Trinity

Love is the most powerful force in the universe. If our motive is love, the outcome is forgiveness, peace and joy.

Tribute to Trinity in Matrix

Trinity in Matrix

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This song reminds me of the strength, love and power of God. I truly believe she is talking about the returning to God and find comfort there.

Interview of her in a TV station. Her album has sold 3.5 million copies worldwide.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

"Holy Spirit" or "Holy Ghost"

"Holy Spirit" or "Holy Ghost"

Holy Ghost was the common name for the Holy Spirit in English prior to the 20th century. It is the name used in the Book of Common Prayer and the King James Version of the Bible, and is still used by those who prefer more traditional language, or whose religious vocabulary is largely derived from the King James Version. The term is still retained in the traditional-language rites of the Anglican Church. The original meaning of the English word ghost paralleled the words spirit or soul; only later did the former word come to acquire the specific sense of "disembodied spirit of the dead" and the associated pejorative connotations.

In 1901 the American Standard Version of the Bible translated the name as Holy Spirit, as had the English Revised Version of 1881-1885 upon which it was based. Almost all modern English translations have followed suit. Some languages still use a word that overlaps both English words, such as the German Geist.

In Norfolk, a county in the United Kingdom, Religious Education teachers are told to avoid using "Holy Ghost" as it allegedly "suggests a trivial and spooky element to the third part in the Trinity".[9]


Holy Spirit from Wikipedia

Holy Spirit · Christianity

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The Descent of the Holy Spirit in a 15th century illuminated manuscript. Musée Condé, Chantilly. The Holy Spirit is depicted as a dove in the topmost area of painting.
The Descent of the Holy Spirit in a 15th century illuminated manuscript. Musée Condé, Chantilly. The Holy Spirit is depicted as a dove in the topmost area of painting.

In mainstream Christianity, the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is one of the three persons of the Holy Trinity who make up the single substance of God; that is, the Spirit is considered to act in concert with and share an essential nature with God the Father and God the Son (Jesus). The Christian theology of the Holy Spirit, or pneumatology, was the last piece of Trinitarian theology to be fully explored and developed. For this reason, there is greater theological diversity among Christian understandings of the Spirit than there is among understandings of the Son (Christology) and of the Father. Within Trinitarian theology, the Holy Spirit is sometimes referred to as the "Third Person" of the Triune God - with the Father being the First Person and the Son the Second Person. This article also discusses understandings of the Holy Spirit by non-Trinitarian groups and some non-Christian groups who use the term as well.



New Testament Background

It is held in common Christian belief that the Holy Spirit has been with this world from the beginning of creation. This view is taken from Genesis 1, where it is written that "the spirit of God was floating over the waters [of creation]" - indicating the Holy Spirit.

The first overt appearance of the Holy Spirit in Christian theology is in the words of Jesus, speaking to his disciples (John 14:15-18) shortly before his death. He characterizes the Holy Spirit to them as the 'Spirit of Truth'. Chronologically though, the Holy Spirit makes a first appearance at the beginning of Jesus's ministry when he is baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist (Matthew 3:13-17, Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22, John 1:31-33). In these accounts, the incorporeal Holy Spirit is described as descending upon Jesus 'like' or 'as' a dove.

In John's Gospel, emphasis is placed not upon what the Holy Spirit did for Jesus, but upon Jesus giving the Spirit to his disciples. This "Higher" Christology sees Jesus as a sacrificial lamb, and as coming among mankind in order to grant the Spirit of God to humanity.

Although the language used to describe Jesus' receiving the Spirit in John's Gospel is parallel to the accounts in the other three Gospels, John relates this with the aim of showing that Jesus is specially in possession of the Spirit for the purpose of granting the Spirit to his followers, uniting them with himself, and in himself also uniting them with the Father. (See Raymond Brown, "The Gospel According to John", chapter on Pneumatology). In John, the gift of the Spirit is equivalent to eternal life, knowledge of God, power to obey, and communion with one another and with the Father.

[edit] Mainstream Christianity

Christians believe that the Holy Spirit leads people to faith in Jesus and gives them the ability to lead a Christian life. The Holy Spirit dwells inside every Christian, each one's body being his temple (1 Corinthians 3:16). The Holy Spirit is depicted as a 'Counselor' or 'Helper' (paracletus in Latin, derived from Greek), guiding people in the way of the truth. The Holy Spirit's action in one's life is believed to produce positive results, known as the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit manifests these gifts by enabling a person to access his or her own innate abilities. Through the influence of the Holy Spirit a person sees more clearly the world around him or her and can use his or her mind and body in ways that exceed his or her previous capacity. A list of gifts that may be bestowed include the charismatic gifts of prophecy, tongues, healing, and knowledge. Christians holding a view known as cessationism believe these gifts were given only in New Testament times. Christians almost universally agree that certain "spiritual gifts" are still in effect today, including the gifts of ministry, teaching, giving, leadership, and mercy (see, e.g. Romans 12:6-8). The experience of the Holy Spirit is sometimes referred to as being anointed.

Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as the promised "Advocate" (i.e. "strengthener", "fortifier") in John 14:26. After his resurrection, Christ told his disciples that they would be "baptized with the Holy Ghost", and would receive power from this event (Acts 1:4-8), a promise that was fulfilled in the events recounted in the second chapter of Acts. On the first Pentecost, Jesus' disciples were gathered in Jerusalem when a mighty wind was heard and tongues of fire appeared over their heads. A multilingual crowd heard the disciples speaking, and each of them heard them speaking in his or her native language.

The Holy Spirit's existence is affirmed in the Apostles Creed and responsibility for the Virgin Birth of Jesus is asserted. In the Nicene Creed (an extensive elaboration of the Apostles Creed), the Holy Spirit is further affirmed to proceed from either one or both of the other members of the Trinity (God the Father and God the Son) (see filioque controversy). This is taken to further imply that the Holy Spirit is consubstantial and co-eternal with the Father and the Son. The Holy Spirit is also asserted to be the "Lord and Giver of Life".


Fellowship - Lake side

The key focus of our relationship with our Creator is not ACTION but BEING with Him. He desire to give Himself to us. So great is His love to us, like a Father who desire to give their best to their children.

When I was in the University, I would be spending Sunday morning to dialog with God. I wait for His response. I believe what happen in the Book. Now I want to experience it

Believe Again by Delta Goodrem

When I listen to this song the very first time, I sense the power of the song. Something different. When I Google the lyrics, I joyfully find out the song is talk about how a person find the faith of love again.


"Believe Again"

Have you ever stared into the rain
Thought the clouds would never disappear
Have you ever screamed out into the dark
Thinking no one else could hear

I was leaving footprints tainted by my past
On this winding road to you

I'd lost my faith in love
Tonight I believe again
My Heart was a broken place
Now I feel whole again
You bring me honesty
And that's worth believing in
and I believe
I believe again

Have you ever spun out of control
Like you never saw the road ahead
Have you ever just kept looking back
Ever closer to the edge

I was praying for the light I see in your eyes
I had all but given up

I'd lost my faith in love
Tonight I believe again
My Heart was a broken place
Now I feel whole again
You bring me honesty
And that's worth believing in
and I believe
I believe again

I believe the impossible is possible to overcome
I believe in miracles
Born from love in everyone

I'd lost my faith in love
Tonight I believe again
My Heart was a broken place
Now I feel whole again
You bring me honesty
And that's worth believing in
and I believe
I believe again

Misconcpetion of Holy Spirit

Look at the disciples. Jesus breathed on them and they received the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit indwells in a believer when they are saved. The infilling of the Holy Spirit comes at the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, as in the day of Pentecost, which is evident by speaking in tongues. If you look at Jesus, the woman touched his cloak, and he felt the Holy Spirit flow out of him. He had the Holy Spirit without measure. We don' we get refilled!

I think the illustration of Holy Spirit in the above mentioned paragraph assume that Holy Spirit is a "power".
When "Jesus breathed on them" merely means that Holy Spirit entering the spiritual realm of the disciples. She/He is with them from that time onward.

The "infilling of the Holy Spirit" means not only Holy Spirit to be in our subconsciousness, dream and inner world, but she is also besides us to protect and accompany us.

"Speaking in tongue" is a gift given by Holy Spirit to us. The tongue is a sign that Holy Spirit is with us. The language we utter is completely incomprehensible to non-follower of Christ and Satan.

"He feel that Holy Spirit flow out of him" should be interpret as "Jesus feels that Holy Spirit leave him temporarily to heal the person" or "Jesus feels that Holy Spirit release her power to the person who touch her cloak"

How wrong we are int he last 2000 years to think Holy Spirit as a FLOW OF ERERGY of POWER from God. No! Holy Spirit is commission by God to bring people back to God by various ways on earth. She is God. The third God who is like lover to me.


Holy Spirit as a Living Person

John 14:16 HS = Comforter 26 HS = Teacher 16:8 HS = Convictor 15:26 HS = Spirit of Trruth 16:13 HS = Guide 1 COR 2:10 HS = Revealer 2 PET 1:21 HS = Mover

Dear Holy Spirit,

Many people regards you as "gift", "thing" or "power". To me you are a living being like Jesus. You encompasses the gentleness like women and power like men.

Even in the Book, many authors describe you as a loving being like Guide, revealer, movers, convector, teacher and etc.

I can feel your presence whenever I drive my car alone. When I start picture you besides me. I can feel the electricity of warmth and care. Even though I cannot see you, but I can sense your very existing. I have shared this repeated incident to my cell members, they feel the same too.

The first stage to enter the mystery kingdom of the wonderful of Christ is to acknowledge your being. You are our bridge to the Kingdom - power, warmth, transformation, miracle and surprises.

The warmth feeling is very close to the feeling of love. The endless flow of the energy of love is beyond the eros from you to me. I believe this kind of fellowship is the very purpose God have made us.


Saturday, April 19, 2008

The trace of you in the Book

1st Letter to Beloved Person

Hi Holy Spirit,

Every time I think of you, I think of Galadriel in the movie of the Lord of the Ring casted by CateBlanchett. An Elf Queen of power and wisdom who assists the Fellowship. She is aAll powerful, all knowing, gentle but firm, and comforting. It is like to bring out the best of gentle female - fine, considerate, beauty yet powerful.

The record of you to appear as a person is so little in the Bible. So many Christians think that you are a "POWER" but not as person. No wonder so many people find it is so hard to relate to you.

When I speak of you, I almost speak of love. The love between men and women - pure, passion, love, intimate. As male, I can only relate to Jesus as brotherly love, but to you it is almost like love between lovers. Perhaps it is how many sisters feel that way too when they think of Jesus?

19 April 2008

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