Chronicles of Narnia, The: Prince Caspian (2008) | Spiritual Article
Jesus: True Myth, False?
David Bruce, Webmaster
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So does myth point away from Jesus, or to Jesus?
For C. S. Lewis, ancient myths point to Jesus. Jesus is the “True Myth” as he famously said. With Jesus, myth becomes fact. This is what, in part, led him to write the Narnia books, which speak about Christ in mythological terms. Concerning the story of redemption in the gospels, Lewis wrote:
“If ever a myth had become a fact, had been incarnated, it would be just like this. And nothing else in all literature was just like this. Myths were like it in one way. Histories were like it in another. But nothing was simply like it . . . Here and here only in all time the myth must have become fact; the Word, flesh; God, man. This is not "a religion," nor "a philosophy." It is the summing up and actuality of them all.” (C. S. Lewis, Surprised By Joy, (1955) New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, p. 88.)
However, for Acharya S (author of “Who Was Jesus? Fingerprints of The Christ”), myth points away from Jesus. For her Jesus is the greatest story ever sold! A conspiracy. I met her recently at the screening of the film “Zeitgeist - The Movie” which she helped produce.
I have known of Acharya for over 7 years via cyberspace. As it happened, back in 1998 I authored and posted “THE INCREDIBLE MITHRAS MYTH” on Hollywood Jesus (see below) and it sparked a considerable debate. Several cyber visitors to HJ referred me to her controversial book The Christ Conspiracy. So, when I had the opportunity to meet the author recently I was thrilled.
I thought I would let Acharya present her case uninterrupted and post it on HJ in connection with the release of “Prince Caspian.” Here is her take, what do you think? POST YOUR COMMENTS HERE
Below is my take as I posted it in 2001:
Christmas, the birth of Christ, is celebrated on December 25. But, Jesus wasn't born on this date. So where did the date December 25 come from?
Here are some comments I received (P. S. I am curious about your thoughts)
My comments are in italic
From: C T Blake
While I find your sight interesting, I think you are missing much more than is getting posted on the cross-over myths between Mithraic and Christian thought.
Mithras DOES have a resurrection story- see the stories of Mithras under the mountain (usually associated with Ararat- yup, the Ark one, which explains how it got it's "holy" status)- it also has the Mithraic angle on the end of the world, the last conflicts with Ahriman, etc).
Don't forget that the Symbol always associated with Mithras (aside from the obvious Phrygian cap, bull, dog and the rest of the usual symbology) is-- you guessed it- the cross. Mithraic (as well as other solar cults) used the symbol of the cross as a symbol of the Sun. This also puts an interesting spin on the story of Constantine's cross story....and how his Danubian troops (who already marched under the "Sol Invictis"- Mithras) were able to later convert that Mithraic symbol to a more respectible memory later.
The Cult of Mithras was largely wiped out-- violently-- by the early Christian Church, in violence usually associated with thier internal squabbles. Perhaps they realized that, because they had copped so much from Mithras that they couldn't allow it to survive? It's interesting how most of the Mithraruem we find are under churches, monestaries and nunneries, while the few that aren't are those that had been buried and lost. Somebody was pretty ruthless in wiping out most of the sites of Mithras.
CT Blake Nacogdoches, Texas
Response: Thanks for the additional insight. I appreciate it. -David
From: Lorena
David, I just visited your site about Mithras for research on the novel I'm writing at first, but a lot of the things I read got me thinking. You see, I've known about Mithras for good few years now, but my parents would never let me research anything about him without a just reason (my father is a Presbyterian minister and my mom is quite set on her Christian beliefs...which is just about anything Dad preaches about). I think I discovered why--your site got me thinking. Not that that is a bad thing, but I think my parents wanted to keep me on the 'straight and narrow' so to speak and not question my faith.
The myth surrounding Mithras, this supposed god of Truth and Light, was it basically a prophesy by the Persians proclaiming the coming of a Savior, or am I looking at this all wrong? (You are right). Also, I had read somewhere that Mithras killed the white bull so that man could live forever, (not true, it is the defeat of darkness) and then he himself was crucified in a similar fashion to Jesus (not true, Mithras is a story created from the night sky constelations) ...though Mithras 'existed' much earlier in history (not true, no such histoical person was ever thought to exist by any group). And the star that led the Magi to Bethlehem...does that have a place in the myth as well? (myth points to central truth -Jesus Christ)
Thank you, Lorena
From: Frances
I have been (still am) on a site called Christianity - General. For a very long time (70 years old) I have been reading everything I could on all the religions and have been struck by the similarities by them and the New Testament Gospels. I keep being told that the cult of Mithras was not around at the time of Jesus, yet everything I read tells me the opposite (Your readings are correct). For me, every past religion has lead up to Christianity and possibly to others newly as come. Was not Mithra the Roman soldiers god of worship and still in practice at the time of Jesus. (Yes) The similarities between Christianity and Mithra is just too coincidental. (There are also, major dissimilarities: Mithras is found in the star stories, not in history, Mithras has no death and resurrection. But there is truth contained in the Mithras myth that points to Jesus: light overcoming darkness, etc.) Not that Jesus was wrong to preach a way of life, but the Christian communities maniacal desire to erase anything that is even close to anything that Jesus taught. In a sense He did not teach "something" new, it was always there, (true, not so much in myth, as in Hebrew scriptures) but that He re-iterated all the positive concepts for people to follow. (Yes, but also "I am the way, the truth and the life" statements are unique to Jesus). Would you be kind enough to enlighten me if I am really as wrong as these fundamentalists believe I am. I am always ready to accept and repent of my errors.
Frances Greenfield
Response: Yes you are generally right. Many Christian have a deep fear of myth. I have none. And all myth points to a central truth: Jesus Christ. -David
Source: Hollywood Jesus
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