Friday, May 23, 2008

Listen to God - Experience

Campus Day

Before going to near by Church at 10.30 am. I usually spent two hours at the quiet corner in my campus. A unusually isolated garden. I would bring a book, a pen and an expectation there. Sometimes, I wen to the roof top of my hostel. Overlooking a sea of trees and blue sky.

I would listen to some music to let go of my worldly self. Occasionally drown myself in reading books like Lawrence's letters and Celebration of Discipline. 

Slowly, I begun to converse with God of my day to day things. Some were joys, some worries, some are even too petty to mention to others. I let myself talk to Him. Many times, I felt peace wash over me. It is hard to explain of such strong sense of security, being loved and joy!

I waited Him to respond to me. I would sit there waiting. Most of the time, He spoke to me like gentle wind. Never one time he condemn of me. He spoke with love, gentle and certainty.

God is not a distant being that we should fear. On the contrary, He is someone we can trust, can get close of and near us.

KL Plaza/ Lounge Gospel Song/ Happy

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